Friday, September 2, 2016

Elusive Sleep

I don't know if I'm unique...but sleep has become so very elusive.  I long for a full night that I just sleep without dreaming..without waking up every other hour.  Falling asleep is manageable for me...but staying asleep or feeling refreshed when I wake just doesn't seem to happen.

I'm frequently trying various So far I have not found the secret.

Do you dream at night?  Do you think there is any significance in your dreams?  I work in my dreams so that adds to my fatigue the next morning.  I'm currently dreaming about finances in regard to work, like how much to I charge an attendee for this function or that tour.  And since I'm esessntially planning to retire I really don't understand where these dreams are coming from in origin.  What is the underlying message?  Why do I create these at night?  What am I worrying needlessly about?

I continue to search for tips and remedies and things that work.  If you have a routine that helps you please share it with me!

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