Friday, September 16, 2016

Another week

The struggle is real...famous millennial quote as that is what my daughter says often.  With fall and cooler weather we have been fighting colds this week in our household.  Colds come from threat of a loss generally speaking.  Maybe it's as simple as the loss of warm summer days...or a season where not enough was accomplished.  For me it was the loss of the chiropractic business. 

How do you deal with loss?  It's always a struggle whether it's a person who passed away or something that it's simply time to give it up and move on to something else.  I try to focus on the future and what can I do that's even better than before.  For me...I now have rental property to fill.  I have repairs make and updates to the building that I must invest in to make it so.  If I focus on the future create, I seem to have less regrets from the past.  My biggest concern is the amount of time it takes to get it done.  It's hard to pack up the office and move ahead...but so healing and necessary at the same time.

How are you handling the losses in your life..big and small? 

Here's to a brighter future.  Live life large as it can be fleeting.  I'm focusing on tomorrow while living today to the fullest possible.  Here's to a great weekend!

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