Thursday, August 29, 2013

Challenges in Handling difficult Clients, Volunteers or Staff Members in Event Planning

"Competition as we know it is dead. Collaboration is the new competition. It's about working with each other, not against. Together we all win."
- Rich German
Photo from Mewy
Have you been charged with working with a difficult client or volunteer when producing an event?  How can you get your job done and achieve the goals set by the organization when you have staff members or volunteers who will not cooperate or work towards a common goal?
My lesson learned recently is that you really must have a company meeting to outline the goals of the event. Everyone should understand and move towards this common goal as a team. Having a common goal will help those who are antagonistic to at least understand that there is a  purpose for the event and a goal to achieve. As a professional with experience, your knowledge base is generally broader when it comes to achieving the goals of an event and producing that event so that the goals are met. People who are naysayers, or refuse to change do not forward the bigger goals of the organization and make your road full of land mines for you as the event planner.
Good communication from the organization should be requested in order to avoid these pitfalls.  Suggest early on in the planning that all the key people have a presentation from the CEO as well as the planner.  Changes should be discussed if this is an event that has happened in the past.  Understanding what was "always done" is important in order to make improvements in the process to meet the current needs of the organization and forward the goals of that organization.  Because something has always been done that way - is it in the best interest of the organization to continue doing it that way?  Could technology improve the manual process?  Would online registration enhance your event?  If sponsors could choose their level of support from an on-line page, would that enhance the customer service?
Photo from Daptiv
There are many ways to continue to improve any event.  Professional event planners can objectively look at what has been done and make suggestions to improve these events.  Ask for a consultation to see how your event could better fulfill the goals and aims of your company.  Events are still the highest return for your marketing dollar...invest wisely and have a successful event by using some good basic communication with your team.

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